This new year we have a new 3ft tall tunnel coming out! It is actually big enough for chickens but we think rabbits will do very well in it and if you haven't got the space for a large 8 x 4ft run but you do have a narrow area you can add to it to make a 2ft wide run as long as you wish.
It will also accommodate a deep tray like the watch tower plus so the bunnies can dart under it or jump in, or pop up through the burrow hole in the tray.
It will be easy to cover, the natural tunnel curve helping rain disperse at once and you will be able to cover to ground level or leave a gap at the base.
The picture here is of Polar and Teddy exploring it during one of their bonding sessions. It seems that with space and time these two are now getting along nicely! Very rewarding to see and quite unexpected as we were thinking we would need to find new rescue partners for both.
Another new idea is a step in hatch for the 8x4 run to help you access it. This is combined with a fitted cover which will unzip where you open the roof rather than having to take the whole cover off.
New innovations for a New Year which we hope will be an improvement on 2020 for us all. So here is to Christmas and the New Year hoping for more human freedoms and definitely freedom and happiness for our rabbits!